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ISSN : 1229-0718
The current study examined the mediating effect of perceived control on the self-consistency. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship among self-consistency, perceived control on the self, and subjective well-being. Subjective well-being(SWB) refers to people's own evaluations of their lives. Participants were 247 undergraduates at the 6 universities in Seoul. They completed Self-Consistency scale;. Satisfaction withj Life Scale(SWLS), Intensity & Time Affect Scale(ITAS), and Perceived control on the self scale. The data were analyzed with Pearson's correlation, multiple regression and path analysis by the AMOS 5.0 program. The currenct study demonstrated that perceived control on the self mediated self-consistency and subjective well-being. Specifically, self-consistency did not have a direct effect on the life satisfaction and positive affect when the effect of perceived control on the self was removed. So the association between self-consistency and subjective well-being might be spurious.
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