ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Maternal Behavior Rating Scale(MBRS) and Child Behavior Rating Scale(CBRS) by Mahoney(1999) and confirm an appropriate manual and procedure for its use in Korean. The study consisted of a sample of 77 parent-child dyads, in range of 8 to 75 months of age. Parent were videotaped while playing with their children with a standard set of developmentally appropriate toys during about 10 minutes. These observations were coded with the Korean Maternal Behavior Rating Scale to asses mother's style interaction and Korean Child Behavior Rationg Scale to assess children's pivotal behavior. Collected data were coded by two raters independently with the items of K-MBRS & K-CBRS on a 5-point Likert scale. The results were as follows; First, K-MBRS and K-CBRS had sufficient internal reliability, Cronbach α of K-MBRS was .86. and K-CBRS was .81. Second, the result of factor analysis indicated that K-MBRS accounted three factor model, while two factor model is the best for the data of K- CBRS. Third, in addition this study was to analyze the effect of maternal interactive style over children's ages. As a result, maternal 'responsive behavior' and children's 'activity behavior' factor had an impact on children's age. However the younger their children are, the more responsive mothers were to interact with their children.
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