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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study is to explore the fact that facial recognition and the bias of intent attribution played a mediating role in the process that children's experience of maltreatment has influence on depression and aggression. With regard to the objects and methods of this study, maltreatment experiences, the bias of facial recognition, the tendency of the intent attribution in ambiguous situation, depression, and aggression were examined in 737 elementary students from 4 to 6 grades in Seoul. In order to verify the models, goodness of fit and significant paths were verified through structural equation model(SEM). According to the results, although maltreatment experience, itself, had influence on depression and aggression, the bias of facial expression caused by maltreatment influenced intent attribution and the study found that such the bias of intent attribution had influence on depression and aggression. However, the bias of facial recognition, itself, had no influence on depression and aggression and intent attribution, namely, the process that interpreted others' intentions as hostility could cause depression and aggression. This study verified that the children with maltreatment histories showed the biased hostile characteristics in facial recognition, facial interpretation and intent attribution and identified that the bias of facial recognition and intent attribution played a mediating role.
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