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The Effects of Attachment Style and Personality Characteristics on Romantic Loneliness: Mediator Effects of Marital Satisfaction


The present study examined attachment style, personality characteristics, and mediator effects of marital satisfaction on the relationship between self-esteem and romantic loneliness in a sample of participants (132 male, 206 female). Results showed that romantic loneliness was significantly and negatively correlated with secure attachment, agreeableness, and self-esteem; loneliness was also significantly and positively correlated with preoccupied attachment, dismissive attachment, fearful attachment, and neuroticism. No relationships emerged with extraversion. Secure attachment, fearful attachment, agreeableness, and self-esteem influenced romantic loneliness and fully mediated the relationship with marital satisfaction. Preoccupied and dismissive attachment also influenced romantic loneliness but only partially mediated the relationship with marital satisfaction. Study limitations and future directions are discussed.

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