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Independent and Interactive Effects of Paternal Positive Parenting and Child Negative Emotionality on Children’s Externalizing Behavior Problems


This study examined the independent effects of paternal positive parenting, child temperament, and their interaction on the development of children’s externalizing problems. We also explored whether the interactive effect of parenting and temperament, if evident, was more consistent with the diathesis­stress model or the differential­susceptibility hypothesis. Data from the Panel Study of Korean Children (PSKC) of the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE) were used. Results indicated that both paternal positive parenting and child temperament were independently associated with children’s externalizing behaviors. Consistent with the diathesis­stress model, children who had higher levels of negative emotionality and whose fathers showed lower levels of positive parenting were at most risk for behavior problems. The findings suggest that paternal parenting and child temperament may be a promising target for early prevention of children’s externalizing problems.

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