open access
ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of the study was to develop Ewha-Psycholinguistic Abilities Test for Korean children based on original the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities. The test was developed in the hope that it would be used as a diagnostic intraindividual test of psychological and linguistic functions. Its principle use is to diagnose a child`s psycholinguistic abilities and disabilities so that remediation can follow. Therefore, Ewha-Psycholinguistic abilities test was developed in two major procedures : construction of a preliminary scale, followed by construction, item in the original ITPA were translated and 1-2 times items added to it through commitment conference by substests. After item were finally selected, a preliminary test was carried out, in order to valiate each item, on a sample consisting of 420 children between the age of 3 to 10. Items were examined primarily on the bases of discirminatory effect. Next, the standardization proceduare of the preliminary Ewha-Psycolinguistic abilities test was conducted involving a sample of 1004 Children from the same age sampling ever. Reliability and validity of the test were examined in addition to be users for norm preparation and interpretation. For reliability, internal consistency coefficients, split-half reliability, standard error of measurement by age groups and by subtests. For validity on the other hand correlation coefficients between subtests and factor analysis were conducted for the purpose of developing the scale. First, average internal cousistancy coefficients at each age level were computed to range from .84 to .94 the standard error of measurement score were found very similar to those for the original ITPA. Factor analyses revealed three significant factors, that was representation factor and visual acceptance factor and they other subtests factor. That results was found similar to those for the clinical models of original ITPA. This study results had affirmed that Ewha-Psycholinguistic Abilities Test are reliable and validate.