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Vol.9 No.1

한국 청년의 정서에 관한 심리학적 연구
Gyeong-Hui Kim pp.1-14

The Role of Shape Similarity in Children's Inferences of Word Meaning
Yujoung Kim(Department of Child Studies Yeungnam University) ; Hyeonjin Lee(Department of Child Studies Yeungnam University) pp.15-29

This study attempts to figure out whether shape similarity plays a role in Korean children's inferences of word meanings. Experiment I included 10 sets of colored pictures of objects familiar to children. In each set, there were one standard picture and three alternatives such as a taxonomic alternative, a shape alternative, and a thematic alternative, The result showed that both 3-and 5-year-olds selected the shape alternatives more often than the taxonomic alternatives (79%-shape vs 18%-taxonomic), whereas adults' responses were strongly biased toward the taxonomic , alternatives (73%). In experiment II, the thematic alternative was excluded from the testing stimuli since the imaginated pictures were used as a standard stimulus. The result in experiment I was replicated. Experiment III and IV examined the developmental trend called "shape-to-taxonomic shift" in mare detail. The result indicated that 7-year-olds showed an increased taxonomic responding (50. 7%-Exp III & 58.3%-Exp IV). In sum, younger children, 3-and 5-year Olds, relied chiefly on shape similarity rather than taxonomic relations as a basis for word meaning extension. There was a significant increase in the relative proportion of taxonomic response in the ward condition with age. The shape-to-taxonomic shift hypothesis was supported.

Development of Ewha-Psycholinguistic Abilities Test for Korean Children
Tae-Lyon Kim(Ewha womans Universitiy) ; Yun-wha Lim(Ewha womans Universitiy) ; Kyung-Sook Lee(Ewha womans Universitiy) pp.30-42

The purpose of the study was to develop Ewha-Psycholinguistic Abilities Test for Korean children based on original the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities. The test was developed in the hope that it would be used as a diagnostic intraindividual test of psychological and linguistic functions. Its principle use is to diagnose a child`s psycholinguistic abilities and disabilities so that remediation can follow. Therefore, Ewha-Psycholinguistic abilities test was developed in two major procedures : construction of a preliminary scale, followed by construction, item in the original ITPA were translated and 1-2 times items added to it through commitment conference by substests. After item were finally selected, a preliminary test was carried out, in order to valiate each item, on a sample consisting of 420 children between the age of 3 to 10. Items were examined primarily on the bases of discirminatory effect. Next, the standardization proceduare of the preliminary Ewha-Psycolinguistic abilities test was conducted involving a sample of 1004 Children from the same age sampling ever. Reliability and validity of the test were examined in addition to be users for norm preparation and interpretation. For reliability, internal consistency coefficients, split-half reliability, standard error of measurement by age groups and by subtests. For validity on the other hand correlation coefficients between subtests and factor analysis were conducted for the purpose of developing the scale. First, average internal cousistancy coefficients at each age level were computed to range from .84 to .94 the standard error of measurement score were found very similar to those for the original ITPA. Factor analyses revealed three significant factors, that was representation factor and visual acceptance factor and they other subtests factor. That results was found similar to those for the clinical models of original ITPA. This study results had affirmed that Ewha-Psycholinguistic Abilities Test are reliable and validate.

Development of processing speed
Young-shin Park(Department of Early Cildhood Education Pai Chai University) pp.43-59

The purpose of this study is to examine developmental change in the speed of cognitive processes and the factors controlling it. Processing speed develops substantially during elementary school years and approaches the level of adults' during adolescence. This trend is also observed in the studies examining developmental functions of various cognitive processes: Processing speed develops in similar pattern across different tasks. This change was described well by exponential functions with a common decay parameter. In addition, children's processing speed increases linearly as a function of adults' processing speed: correlation between children's processing. speed and adult's processing speed was greater than .90. Age-related differences in cognitive processes are attenuated by approximately 70 % to 90 % when the variance associated with one measure of processing speed is eliminated. These results suggest that development of processing speed is controlled by some general mechanism.

The development of Korean version of WPPSI: The standardization study (1)
Hyewon Park Choi(U. of Ulsan) ; Keum-Joo Kwak(Osan College) ; Kwang-Bae Park(Choongbuk Univ.) pp.60-70

Korean version of WPPSI-R(Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised) was adminstered to 1236 3- to 7-year-olds in three locations nationwide. According to the U.S. norm, Korean children's IQ were normally distributed between 45-160 with a mean of 104.6(SD=14.7). Interscorer reliability coefficients obtained with 136 children were high: .97 on Comprehension, .94 on Vocabulary, .96 on Similarities, .95 on Mazes and .92 on Geometric Design. For the test-retest reliability, 154 children were tested twice with intervals of 3-7 wks. The reliability coefficients were .85 for Performance IQ, .84 for Verbal IQ and .89 for the Total IQ. Factor analyses revealed two factors of 'verbal' and 'performance' IQ as predicted by Wechsler's two factor theory of intelligence. The pattern of correlations among 12 subtests was also consistent with the two factor theory: Correlations between subtests within a factor were higher than those between subtests across factors. Correlations among 'Performance' subtests were lower (.22 to .45) than those among 'Verbal' subtests(.35 to .55). Optional subtests of 'Animal Pegs' and 'Sentence' revealed the lowest correlations with other subtests. The concurrent validity was approved by analyses of correlations between WPPSI-R and KEDI-WISC as well as Korean-BINET. Based on these validity and reliability data, Korean WPPSI will be published.

A cross-cultural study on the flexibility of conceptual organization in Korean and Japanese children
Hyunran Sung(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung) ; Ryozo Yukawa(Department of Psychology Osaka City University) pp.71-87

The generality and the specificity of the development of conceptual organization were investigated between Korean and Japanese children. In experiment 1, four- and 7-year-old children were presented a modified matching-to-sample task, in which one of three classification basis(thematic, categorical, and color) was demanded by task. Generally, younger children performed easily in thematic basis condition, and older children in comparison to younger children had flexibility in utilization of three kind of conceptual organization in both cultures. The difference between two cultures was that Korean younger children had more scores in thematic basis condition than in categorical basis condition, but Japanese younger children had similar scores between thematic and categorical basis condition. In experiment 2, free verbal responses were investigated by thematic basis and categorical basis condition in 4-, 5-, and 7-year-olds. Correct response in thematic basis condition became low generally in three ages in both cultures. Korean children showed dominance in thematic basis condition in comparison to Japanese children. The results of dominance in thematic basis condition in Korean children were consistent with the result of a previous cross-cultural study of Korean and Japanese children in which free world association was used. Korean children were interpreted as situation-oriented or context-oriented.

Psychological Test of Elective Mutism
Young Hye Song(Department of Psychotherapy, Taegu University) pp.88-98

This study is attempt to examine the psychological trait of elective mutism by psychological test. The subjects were 8 boys and 9 girls from 3 to 17 years old. The results are summarize in three. 1. They were very late onset of speech. 2. All the subjects have some degrees of mental handicap in verbal IQ, but some of them have not mental handicap in performance IQ. 3. Sores trams of developmental delay are shown in their play, motor development and academic perfomance.

The Tendency in the Research of Juvenile Delinquency in the U.S.A.
Eung-Cheul Shim(Department of Psychology, Kangwon National University) pp.99-109

To inquire the tendency in the research of juvenile delinquency in the U.S.A., lots of papers on juvenile delinquency in the U.S.A. After 1980 were classified according to approaches in this research, the results were as follows : The research on theories and politics - 34.7% The approach on the patterns of delinquencies - 24.1% Sociological approach - 20.6% Psychological approach - 10.7% The others - 6.1% Biological approach - 3.9% This research has following characteristics. First, this research covers whole field of delinquencies and suggests a variety of approaches. Secondly, this research deals with the specific subject of delinquencies in detail. Thirdly, in this research each specific subject approaches to each other continuously and longitudinally.

Child-mother attachment & the perceived self in four-year-olds
Hyo-Soon You(Department of Early Childhood Education Korea National Open University) pp.110-120

According to Bowlby, representation of attachment figures are important in the child's representation of self. In this study, the child's representation of self was examine in connection with child-mother attachment in a sample of 37, middle-class 4-year-olds. The security of child-mother attachment was assessed by using the Waters Attachment Behavior Q-set. Child's self perception was measured by Harter's Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptances for Young Children. Eventhough significant connection between attachment and the self was not found, it is hard to say that there is no relation between them. Because the secure attached child evaluated self more positively than the insecure attached child. Also, teachers evaluated that the secure attached children are significantly more accepted by peers than the insecure attached children. Further study is recommended.

Personality, marital relationship, and social support in mothers with rad children and normal children
Kyung-sook Lee(Ewha Womans University) ; Uri Kwon(Ewha Womans University) ; Yee-Jin Shin(Yonsei University) ; Tae-Lyon Kim(Ewha Womans University) pp.121-134

This study was conducted to compare Reactive Attachment Disorder(RAD) children's mother s with normal children's mothers in variables affecting the pathogenic care, on the bases of the diagnostic criteria that RAD is caused by pathogenic care. For this purpose, the two groups of mothers were compared in the points of personality and depression, marital relationship, and social support. The subjects of this research were 19 RAD children and 23 normal children. MMPI, BDI, MAS, and social suppory scale were used in the two groups of mothers. 1. When the two groups were compared in the point of personality, RAD children's mothers were found to have higher points in F scale, Depression , Psychopathic Deviate, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, and Social Introversion scale. And as far as the degree of depression between the groups was concerned, RAD children's mothers showed the higher degree of depression. 2. When the two groups were compared :in the quality of marital relationship, RAD children's mothers turned out to be poorer than normal children's mothers in dyadic affectional expression subscale, but not much different in dyadic satisfaction subscale, dyadic consensus subscale, dyadic cohesion subscale. 3. The two groups were checked to find out wether there was any difference in structural, functional social support. The folks supporting these two groups were compared. The best supporters for RAD children's mothers were found out to be husband and brother and sister, friends, fellow worker, class-mate, and mother in order and normal children's mothers had husband, mother, and brother and sister in order. When they were compared in structural, functional social support, there were nothing meaningful different.

Children's Acquisition of Color Names by Lexical Contrast
Seungbok Lee(Chungbuk National University) pp.135-153

Adults use lexical contrast to help children learn novel names. Although the Principle of Contrast (Clark, 1983, 1990) was considered as a general principle in the acquisition of word meanings, the lack of empirical evidence made it an post-hoc concept, not a predictable one, To elaborate the principle in more specific way, Au & Laframboise(1990) introduced the concept of 'corrective linguistic contrast'. They have asserted that the linguistic contrast in Mural learning context can be specified as corrective one that is, contrasting children's own label. To prove it, they varied the contrasting words in 3 conditions: no label condition, semantic linguistic contrast condition, and the corrective condition. The children learned the novel words better in corrective linguistic condition than in other conditions. In their semantic contrast condition the contrasting words were too random to find the contrastive meaning, they were implausible negative sentences. If the contrastive words are more plausible, the contrast principle might be applied. The present studies have been designed to test this possibility. These studies examined the lexical contrast effect in the acquisition of novel color names in preschool children. In experiment 1, we replicated Au et al.´s experiment in Korean children. The results showed that novel color name was learned more effectively in the linguistic contrast condition than in the no label condition. The second experiment tested whether the plausible contrast words are more effective than the random contrast words. The contrasting words were selected from the names children used to refer the color in the learning session in experiment 1. The selected solar names were classified as the basic, focal name(white, black, red, blue, green and yellow), and the more specific, subordinate names(e.g., sky blue, purple, brown). Experiment 2 and 3 demonstrated that the natural contrast was more effective than the random contrast condition. In addition, it was found that the subordinate solar was more effective than basic color name as the contrast words in 5 years old children. In experiment 4, we tested the natural contrast effect in the 3, 4 year children. The younger children showed no difference whether the contrast was natural or random. It may be due to the knowledge about color the younger children lack. These findings suggest that it is not the corrective contrast but the natural contrast based on the children's knowledge that facilitates the acquisition of a new term Of course, the corrective contrast is one of the natural contrast. The contrast principle is more general than to limit it as the corrective contrast condition.

Psychosocial development in terms of self-image in Korean adolescents (II)
Choon Jae Lee(Catholic University) pp.154-166

This study was one of the research series that examined the psychosocial development in adolescent by the Self-Image Questionnaire for Young Adolescents(SIQYA). The subjects were 797 second grade boys and girls in 6 special high schools and general high school. They were administered 8 subscales of SIQYA and 5 Harter's self-concept scale. As results, boys had more positive self image than girls in such subscales as emotional tone, impulse control psychopathology, body image, physical appearance and self-worth. Science high school boys had more positive self-image than the other boys in such subscales as family relationship and scholastic competence but more negative in peer relationship and athletic competence. Foreign language high school girls had most positive self image among girls in such subscale as emotional tone, body image, mastery and coping, superior adjustment, family relationship, scholastic competence, and self-worth.

Why Recognition of Faces Improves with Age?
Myung-Sook Chung(Ewha Womans University) pp.167-182

This experiment was designed to evaluate the viability of two explanations for the development of face recognition shift from piecemeal to configurational encoding, and change in the ordering of feature salience. Two types of facial transformation, replacement and displacement of features, were assumed to tap relatively more piecemeal and relatively more configurational information, respectively. The features replaced or displaced in faces were the eyes, nose and mouth. Two groups of children and a group of adults were shown a series of faces, each of which was followed by a pair of faces comprising the target and a distracter face. The subjects' task was to discriminate the target faces from distracters with replaced or displaced features. The results provided no evidence in support of either of the explanations. Subjects from all three age groups responded to the two types of facial transformation in a similar fashion, and showed a comparable pattern of differential salience of facial features.

A Study of Memory Monitoring in Young and Old adults
Sung-Weon Cho(Department of Psychology Ewha Woman's University) pp.183-197

The present study was attempted to find out age-related difference in memory awareness of adulthood. Memory awareness is a subjective experience conscious of one's memory system and memory process in specific situation. Previous researches has produced conflicting conclusions about memory awareness in adulthood. Thus, this study was conducted to clarity reasons why it is inconsistent with the previous studies, and to find out the age differences and characteristics in memory monitoring. 40 young men and 40 elderly men were asked to predict the amount of one's performance prior to or after completing each task. The main dependent variable was estimation inaccuracy for performance. Therefore, it has been analysed that how the prediction for memory performance varies with age, tasks and time of estimation. The results reveals that monitoring inaccuracy was found to both age groups commonly, and influenced by task types and time of estimation. And it also shows that older subjects were more accurate than younger subjects in performance estimations to everyday tasks rather than laboratory tasks. This results means that memory monitoring ability of older adults not deficit on tasks with which they were more familiar. Also, it was found that alder adults have a tendency to overestimate performance, whereas younger adults tend to underestimate as to their performance. However, the tendency of overestimation in older adults was high in prediction, but it was remarkably law in postdiction. Such a result means that their overestimation was derived from inadequate evaluation on tasks rather than from overconfidence for their own ability. The overall results of this research indicated that older adults relatively have accuracy for monitoring of information state in their memory if the tasks are familiar or after having experienced the tasks. In further studies, analysis making use of more diverse measures is to be conducted to reveal mechanism underlying relationship between memory monitoring and memory.

A factorial study on the development of internal-external locus of control with children in elementary and junior high school
Kyoung Sook Choi(Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.198-216

The present study investigated the development of internal-external locus of control in terms of factor analysis with 358 fifth grade children in elementary school, 446 first grade and 426 third grade students in junior high school. Internal-external locus of control scale in this study included unknown dimension, and cognitive, social physical and general behavioral domains. Two steps of factor analysis were conducted on the scale. As a result, a clear unknown factor was found in all the age groups. This result suggests that unknown dimension is required in order to analyze developmental trend in internal-external locus of control with children. In addition, the result revealed that decrease in internal locus of control from elementary school to the first grade students in junior high school was found while increase in internal locus of control from the first grade to the third grade in junior high school was shown. The decrease of internal locus of control in the first grade of junior high school was interpreted in terms of Korean social and educational systems.

An analytic study of children's problem solving process with Tower of Hanoi
MyungOk Choi(Dept. of Child Development and Education Dongduck Women's University) ; NamHee Woo(Dept. of Child Development and Education Dongduck Women's University) pp.217-228

The purpose of this study is to analyze the metacognitive process of elementary school students in their ability to carry out the Tower of Hanoi experiment. Hundred twenty subjects were selected from 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades of an elementary school in Seoul. Five classes from each grade were chosen. Eight students, 4 boys and 4 girls, from each class were selected by their teachers for their average achievement in school. All 120 students were observed but only 114 cases were analyzed. Five tasks with the tower of Hanoi were provided for the experiment. The children were given a wooden board with three poles and three different-sized discs. The disc size increased from top to bottom. The children were asked to move the discs one at a time with the restriction that a smaller disc had to be on top of a larger one. Their task was to move the disc in the same order on another pole as it was on the first pole. In order to assess the metacognitive abilities, observations were made on the success rate of the task, the duration of each trial, the number of disc movements, the duration of pre-planning, self-monitoring, and representation. Performances of the children were video taped and analyzed by a check list of 9 items. The result indicated that the second graders were significantly inferior to their older counterparts in all catagories. The fourth and the sixth graders did not differ significantly in all catagories except in success rate and representation ability. The only unexpected result was the second graders taking longer time to plan before starting the tasks. In all cases, the general trend seemed to be improvement over first three trials which required simple repetition of the 1st trial. But less success in all categories for the last two trials which reacquired representation and application abilities. For those children with lower levels of metacognition, it is important to give them enough time to understand the underlying principles by active repetition. Only then can we help them develop the ability to apply these principles to different situations.

The concept of social representation on the differential perception of adolescents and their parents to daily problematic behavior and the characteristics of communication pattern
Sang-Min Whang(Sejong University) ; Hyun Jung Kim(Ewh Women's University) pp.229-250

In this research, the concept of social representation was applied to explore the differential frame which was used to understand and assess the adolescents daily problematic behaviors by adolescents themselves and their parents. If there is a difference in their perception on the adolescents' problematic daily behavior, the cause will be identified in the communication characteristics and patterns. The social representation on problematic behavior which the adolescents themselves and their parents hold was expressed in the pattern of frequency perception and evaluation of their significances 251 adolescents, 164 of their father, and 176 of their mother have identified the daily problematic behaviors and assessed the frequencies d behaviors and their significance. The perception of behavior was expressed differently by the group; adolescents, mother, father group and the difference was varied by the types of problematic behavior. The perceived frequency and importance are expressed differently by the groups according to the meanings of behavior. The perception on the importance of problematic behavior was related to an avoiding communication pattern. The perception on frequency of problematic behavior was related to an aversive communication pattern which was characterized by an authoritative dimension. However, the perception on the importance of problematic behavior was characterized by the avoidance communication pattern at both parent groups.
