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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Competition among universities in Korea is becoming fierce due to the changing environment. Recently, universities have attended to advertising activities as one of important solutions to cope with fierce competition. This research conducted content analysis of ad. message and creative style of newspaper advertisements for Korean universities. Specifically, content analysis was conducted based on 161 newspaper advertisements for university entrants executed from 2004 to August, 2009. Results showed that amount of advertisements have increased steadily. In case of ad. message, 50% of message was on prospect of future/progress and 40% was on global orientation. This implies that most of universities employed similar message strategy. Visual analysis showed that image of enrolled or graduating students were the most frequently used visuals. The considerable portion of using visuals irrelevant of copy was found. Creative style analysis based on rhetorical figures of headline and visual showed that literal and rhetorical figures were used equally. It is expected that this research provide practical and theoretical implications for effective advertising and creative strategies for university advertisement.
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