ISSN : 1229-8778
This study is mainly interested in identifying whether media use behavior and values on existing media are useful mediating variables in explaining the acceptance of IPTV. Therefore, this study employed three variables of consumer innovativeness, media use behavior and values on media and set up hypothetical model to find out how innovativeness affect IPTV acceptance being mediated by media use behavior and values on media. To test hypothetical model structural equation was employed. Results show that consumers' media innovativeness affects media use behavior and values on media. Media use behavior and values on media affect intention toward IPTV acceptance. In mediation effect, consumers' media innovativeness affects intention toward IPTV acceptance through the mediating effect of media use behavior and values on media. These results suggest that in today's multi-media environment consumer factors related with existing media should be carefully considered to explain and forecast intention toward IPTV acceptance.
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