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The purpose of this study is expanding the study on corporate social responsibility(CSR) and enhancing the understanding of consumer's attitude toward brand by applying real corporate reputation and consumer's social value orientation. As the results of the experiment, prosocial consumers showed favorable brand attitude regardless of the corporate reputation when the company carried out social responsibility performance. On the other hand, proself consumers didn't consider the corporate social responsibility and just showed favorable brand attitude when the corporate reputation was high. However, proself consumers were influenced by corporate social responsibility when the corporate reputation was low. The implications of this study are as follows. First of all, this study showed that the effect of CSR strategy varied with consumer's characteristics. Therefore, when marketers plan cause related marketing or sponsorship, they have to provide a differentiated service after analyzing consumer thoroughly. Also this study showed that CSR strategy made favorable brand attitude when company had low reputation. Accordingly, company that has low reputation should use marketing strategies that emphasize the corporate social responsibility to draw favorable attitude of consumer.
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