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The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of two different types of envy (malicious and benign) on envy-arousing-products liking and willingness to purchase such products depending on levels of self-esteem. One hundred sixteen employees of a manufacturing company participated in a scenario-based experiment. Participants were manipulated to experience either malicious envy or benign envy and were asked to rate how much they were attracted to the given products and how much they would be willing to pay to buy it. Results indicated that the participants who were manipulated to feel benign envy rated higher product liking and willingness to purchase than those who were manipulated to feel malicious envy. In addition, individuals’ levels of self-esteem were significantly interacted with the effect of types of envy on product liking as well as purchasing intention. Specifically, higher self-esteem participants showed lower product liking and weaker product purchasing intention than those with lower self-esteem when malicious envy was experienced. Theoretical and practical implications and limitations of the results were discussed.
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