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The Impact of Promotion Type and Framing on Consumer Response: The Moderating Effect of Consumers' Need for Cognition and Persuasion Knowledge


This research divided sales promotion into price-off promotion and value-added promotion and suggested that consumer response would be influenced by promotion type and framing. Specifically, the authors suggested that in case of price-off promotion cent-off promotion would be more effective than percentage-off promotion and this effect would be moderated by consumers' need for cognition. In addition, the authors posited that in case of value-added promotion 1+1(buy-one-get-one-free) promotion would be more effective than two-for-one promotion and this effect would be moderated by consumers' persuasive knowledge. The results of two studies indicated that while consumers with low need for cognition showed more positive response towards price-off promotion than percentage-off promotion, consumer with high need for cognition showed the same level of consumer response towards both promotions. In addition, consumers showed more positive response towards 1+1 promotion than two-for-one promotion and this effect was limited to consumers with low persuasion knowledge. This study expanded the scope of promotion literature and provided marketing practitioners practical implications.

sales promotion, price-off promotion, cent-off promotion, percentage-off promotion, value-added promotion, 1+1(buy-one-get-one-free) promotion, two-for-one promotion, need for cognition, persuasion knowledge, consumer response



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