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The Moderated Mediation Effects of Branded App’s Experience and Emotional Bond on the Brand Loyalty


Drawing on the theory of emotion, this study examined how the emotional bond had a moderated mediation effect on the relationship among brand attitude, experience on branded apps, and brand loyalty. There are few empirical findings about the moderated mediation of branded app’s experiences and emotional bonds, although literature has shown the mediated effect of brand experiences on the link of attitude and loyalty toward brands. In a survey, 416 undergraduate students who enrolled introductory courses of Psychology at a large Korean University have evaluated the experience of branded apps, emotional attachment with brands, brand attitudes, and loyalty. Result indicated that the proposed hypotheses received support in that the relationship between attitude and loyalty toward brands can be mediated by branded app’s experiences on mobile devices. Results also showed that the moderated mediation effect of emotional bonds was significant on the relationship among brand attitude, app’s experience, and brand loyalty. The findings of this study suggest that marketers should consider the way a customer-brand relationship is strengthen by affective ties or emotional bonds on mobile branded apps. Futhermore, this study provides evidence that mobile branded application can be is a powerful medium for improving brand communication and sustainable long-term relationships with customers.

Branded app, brand experience, Emotional bond, Moderated mediation



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