ISSN : 3059-0604
In this paper, we establish some ĆIRIC type fixed point theorems in α-complete and orbitally T-complete non-Archimedean modular metric spaces. Meanwhile, we present an illustrative example to emphasis the realized improvements. These obtained results extend and improve certain well known results in the literature.
Cyclic hypergroups are of great importance due to their applications to many field in mathematics. In this paper, we classify all polygroups of order less than six where each of its non-identity elements is a generator.
In this paper, we investigate Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of the functional equation f(x + ky) - k2f(x + y) + 2(k2 - 1)f(x) - k2f(x - y) + f(x - ky) - k2(k2 - 1)(f(y) + f(-y)) = 0, where k is a fixed real number with |k| ≠ 0, 1.
In this paper, we define the notion of (L, ∗, ⊙)-quasiuniform convergence spaces on ecl-premonoid. From (L, ∗, ⊙)-quasiuniform structures, we can obtain various (L, ∗, ⊙)-quasiuniform convergence structures and give their examples.
In this paper, we investigate the stability of an additive-cubic-quartic functional equation f(x + 2y) - 4f(x + y) + 6f(x) - 4f(x - y) + f(x - 2y) - 12f(y) - 12f(-y) = 0 by applying the fixed point theory in the sense of L. Cădariu and V. Radu.
The main objective of this article is to establish some coincidence point theorem for g-non-decreasing mappings under contraction mapping principle on a partially ordered metric space. Furthermore, we constitute multidimensional results as a simple consequences of our unidimensional coincidence point theorem. Our results improve and generalize various known results.
We study the existence and uniqueness of fixed point for isotone mappings of any number of arguments under Mizoguchi-Takahashi contraction on a complete metric space endowed with a partial order. As an application of our result we study the existence and uniqueness of the solution to integral equation. The results we obtain generalize, extend and unify several very recent related results in the literature.
Using the fixed point method, we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of 3-Lie homomorphisms and 3-Lie derivations in 3-Lie algebras for Cauchy-Jensen functional equation.
Orders and types of entire and meromorphic functions have been actively investigated by many authors. In the present paper, we aim at investigating some basic properties in connection with sum and product of relative (p, q)-�� order, relative (p, q)-�� type, and relative (p, q)-�� weak type of meromorphic functions with respect to entire functions where p, q are any two positive integers and �� : [0, +∞) → (0, +∞) is a non-decreasing unbounded function.