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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Procrastination Motives and Academic Procrastination Behavior among Undergraduates: The Mediation Effect of Self-Regulation


This study examined self-regulation as a mediator in the relations among procrastination motives (worrying, optimistic, defiant) and academic procrastinating behavior. 179 students who visited the university academic counseling center in South Korea completed measures of procrastination motives, self-regulation and academic procrastinating behavior. The collected data was analyzed and mediation was tested using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Fit indices were tested and the significance of mediation was verified by using bootstrapping method. The link between worrying motif and academic procrastinating behavior was fully mediated by self-regulation, while optimistic motif was partially mediated. Defiant motif only had a direct link with academic procrastinating behavior without the mediator. Results provide support for understanding the different influence of self-regulation according to procrastination motives and how to deal with academic procrastination. Implications for counseling on procrastination motives and future research directions are discussed as well as the limitations of the study.

지연동기, 자기조절, 학업지연행동, 구조방정식 모형, 매개효과 검증, 부트스트랩핑, Procrastination Motives, Self-regulation, Academic Procrastinating Behavior, Structural Equation Modeling, Mediation Effect, Bootstrapping



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Korean Journal of School Psychology