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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

The Relationship among Dichotomous Thinking, Dysfunctional Perfectionism and Suicide Ideation in adolescents: The Mediating role of Hopelessness Depression Symptom


The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships among dichotomous thinking, dysfunctional perfectionism and suicide ideation in adolescents and to examine whether the relationships among dichotomous thinking, dysfunctional perfectionism, and suicide ideation were mediated by hopelessness depression symptom. For the purpose of the study, a total of 544 middle school students in Ulsan, South Korea completed questionnaires assessing Suicide Ideation (The Korean version of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation), Dichotomous Thinking (Dichotomous Thinking Index-30 Revised), Dysfunctional Perfectionism (Two-dimensional Perfectionism Scale), and Hopelessness Depression Symptom (Hopelessness Depression Symptom Questionnaire). Suicide ideation, dichotomous thinking, dysfunctional perfectionism, and hopelessness depression symptom showed a significant positive correlation. Hopelessness depression fully mediated the relationship between dysfunctional perfectionism and suicide ideation, but did not mediate the relationship between dichotomous thinking and suicide ideation and dichotomous thinking had a direct impact on suicide ideation. Current findings suggest that dichotomous thinking, dysfunctional perfectionism, and hopelessness depression symptom might be important factors to consider in the evaluation and treatment of suicide ideation in the adolescent population.

Suicide ideation, dichotomous thinking, dysfunctional perfectionism, hopelessness depression, 이분법적 사고, 역기능적 완벽주의, 무망감 우울증상, 자살생각



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Korean Journal of School Psychology