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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Positive Behavior Support Strategies for ADHD: Perceived Effectiveness, Acceptability, and Reported Use by Elementary Teachers


The importance of positive behavior support(PBS) has been increasingly emphasized in recent research literature on school-based interventions for ADHD. However, there have been very few empirical studies on how a variety of PBS strategies for ADHD could be conceptualized in terms of their underlying structures and how they are perceived and utilized by elementary school teachers. This study investigated elementary teachers' perceived effectiveness, acceptability, and reported use of 48 PBS strategies for children at risk of ADHD or with ADHD. Based on a literature review on effective school-based interventions for ADHD, a questionnaire of 48 PBS strategies in one of the three categories of Antecedent(A), Behaviors(B) and Consequences(C) were developed and administered to 177 elementary school teachers in three geographical areas in Korea. Participants evaluated the effectiveness, acceptability, and reported use of each of 48 PBS strategies on a 4-point Likert type scale. As a result of exploratory factor analyses of all PBS strategies based on their effectiveness ratings, 7 factors for A, 2 factors for B, and 1 factor for C were derived. Most effective PBS strategy “factors” as perceived by elementary teachers were “maintaining interest/readiness for learning” and “requesting parent assistance”; the least effective strategy factor was “getting ready for blocking disruptive behaviors”. The most acceptable strategy factor was “maintaining interest/readiness for learning”and the least acceptable ones included “teaching self-organization” “adjusting gaze/voice” and “modifying assignments” The most frequently used PBS strategy factor was also “maintaining interest/readiness for learning” while the least used techniques were “teaching self-organization” and “modifying assignments” Across all PBS strategy factors, the ratings of actual reported use were significantly lower than their acceptability, and “requesting parent assistance”was found to have the largest difference between its reported use and its acceptability. There were significant differences in reported effectiveness, acceptability, or reported use of several PBS strategy factors by the number of years of teaching experience and lower- vs. upper-grade teachers. Based on these findings, implications for research and practice in PBS and school-based ADHD interventions were fully discussed.

ADHD, 긍정적 행동지원, 초등교사, ADHD, positive behavior support, elementary school teachers



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Korean Journal of School Psychology