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메뉴This study explored the helpful aspect and dissatisfied aspect in school counseling perceived by the middle school student client' and compared these with the school counselor's conjectures using the concept-mapping method. A total of 21 middle school student clients and 10 school counselors were interviewed on the helpful and dissatisfied aspects of ongoing school counseling service (5-15 session). The key sentences from the interviews were extracted, sorted and rated by themselves. Multidimensional Scaling and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis method were used in order to identify dimensions and clusters of their experiences. The cognitive characteristics of middle school student clients' and school counselors' perceptions were explored, and their similarities and differences were discussed. This study is meaningful as it explores the helpful aspect and dissatisfied aspect of school counseling through the middle school student client’s point of view. The helpful aspect will enhance the impact of school counseling by strengthening the level of services to be provided, and the dissatisfied aspect analysis will highlight the area of reforms and improvements in order to establish a strong base on school counseling. In addition, the suggestions on methods to practice the result of school counseling were discussed, and the limitations of this study and implications for future study were suggested.
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