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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

A Study on the Research of Job Characteristics on Organizational Commitment, Resilience and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Korean Government-funded Research Institutes in the Field of Science and Technology

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2022, v.10 no.2, pp.43-54
Koh Sung Joo
Jae Har Yu
Lee Chun Su


Purpose – Government-funded research institutes are important national institutions socially and nationally but academic studies on Korean government-funded research institutes are scarce, especially in areas of human resources and organization. This study investigated the effects of job characteristics on organizational commitment, resilience, and organizational citizenship behavior for organizational members of government-funded research institutes in the field of science and technology. Research design, data, and methodology – Literature review on the effects of job characteristics on organizational commitment, resilience and organizational citizenship behavior for organizational members of government-funded research institutes in the field of science and technology. Based on the review, exploratory propositions were proposed to conduct future empirical study. Result – In this study, based on the results of previous studies, it was presumed that job characteristics would affect organizational commitment, and organizational commitment would affect resilience and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, proposition on the mediating role of resilience on both organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior was formulated. Conclusion – It was propositioned that job characteristics would affect organizational commitment, and organizational commitment would affect resilience and organizational citizenship behavior. Resilience, along with the direct effect of organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior, would play a role in mediating organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior.

Organizational Effectiveness, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, HRM Practice



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics