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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

The Effect of Job Crafting on Performance: Mediating Role of Work Engagement

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2022, v.10 no.3, pp.27-40
Pengfei LI
Moon, Jaeseung


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to test the impact of job crafting on in/extra-role performance in Chinese context. In addition, it intends to verify the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between job crafting and in/extra-role performance. Research design, data, and methodology – Survey data were collected from employees of the companies in Hebei, China, for about two months, from early January 2022 to early March 2022. A total of 300 copies were distributed, and 240 copies were collected (80%), of which 222 copies were used for the final analysis. Data were analyzed for statistical tests of the measurement model and hypotheses using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 and Amos 25. Result – The analysis results are as follows. First, job crafting has a direct effect on work engagement. Second, work engagement increased employees' in/extra-role performance. Third, the mediating effect of work engagement was verified in the relationship between job crafting and employees' in/extra-role performance. Conclusion – This study expands the job demand-resource model by revealing the effect of job crafting, which changes the job given to oneself, on in/extra-role performance. In addition, this study investigated the impact of work engagement on the relationship between job crafting and in/extra-role performance.

Job Crafting, Work Engagement, In-role Performance, Extra-role Performance.



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics