본 연구는 부동산 시장에서 시장지향성의 요인인 시장정보 창출과 시장정보 확산, 시장정보에 대한 반응이 부동산 거래성과에미치는 영향을 알아보고 이 과정에서 환경적 요인인 시장 격변성과 경쟁강도에 따라 부동산 시장에서 고객의 반응을 연구하여 시장의 범위에 최종 고객은 물론 부동산거래업자 등을 포함시킴으로써 보다 광범위한 마케팅 패러다임을 지향하고자 하였다. 따라서 부동산 유통과정에서 나타나는 시장지향성의 특성을 통해 부동산 거래성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구를 목적으로 연구대상을결정하고 설문을 통한 실증분석을 하였다. 이번 연구 결과로 새로운 고객과의 관계와 부동산 시장에 대한 가능성을 확인하고 보다 적극적인 마케팅 전략을 수립하여 부동산 거래성과를 새로운방향을 모색하는데 그 목적이 있다.
In this study, market orientation affects the real estate transaction and about the various parameters examined, the real estate transactions, market orientation and intensity of competition in the market upheaval and the impact was seen on the results can be summarized as follows. First, market orientation and about the relationship between real estate transactions were examined. Each variable of customer satisfaction information generation, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Among them, the dissemination of information, information about the reaction produces a lot better the customer satisfaction was the result. In other words, the dissemination of information and availability of information to real estate transactions, the more you can improve customer satisfaction. While the information does not appear to be generated as a result of the impact of market orientation when the first phase of the creation of market information and the customer's needs and preferences of current and future information and external factors affecting them to gather information about It is difficult to assess realistically can be seen. This is both our customers and dealers in real estate purchase or trade items for the exact targets, but the general approach the start of trading because by necessity. Therefore, a clear standard for real estate deals in and nine minutes to all sellers of real estate purchases through a process of communication to enable effective approach should be. Second, market orientation and about the relationship between real estate transactions were examined. The information for each variable in re-creating transactions, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Variable affects all the information creation, dissemination of information, information about the reaction the better the deal re-done show that two can be frequent. In other words, information generation, information dissemination and utilization of information to real estate transactions, the more customers the added responsibilities of the re-trade can be seen. Third, the relationship between market orientation and in the real estate market upheaval of environmental factors on the relationship between gender were examined. Each variable of customer satisfaction information generation, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Among them, the dissemination of information, information about the reaction produces a lot better the customer satisfaction was the result. In other words, the dissemination of information, depending on the market upheaval and the availability of information to raise the real estate can increase customer satisfaction. Fourth, market orientation and environmental factors in the relationship between real estate transactions and about the relationship between competition intensity was investigated. The information for each variable in re-creating transactions, information dissemination, information was used for the reaction. Variable affects all the information creation, dissemination of information, information about the reaction the better the deal re-done show that two can be frequent. In other words, information generation, information dissemination and utilization of information and the higher intensity of competition or unyounghameusseo ttaemaewoo active real estate transactions to provide our customers the added responsibilities of the re-trade can be seen. If more comprehensive, market orientation, according to real estate transactions and environmental factors affecting the performance was also different. Abundance of information about the current real estate it is true that the accuracy and reliability, and real estate, and are unsure about the expected benefits. So you want to trade to provide accurate information to customers and markets change rapidly and competition is severe, with more information if you have reliable information to the customer must supply can increase trading performance. Guarantee of future customer transactions and can provide valuable information and research needs to be differentiated based on the provision of real estate information should be done to achieve profitability will be a cow brokerage.
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