open access
ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure perceived behavior on mother-infant interaction and to test the reliability & validity of the scale. The procedures of development of the scale may be summarized as follows: Interactive behavior repertories were generated through broad empirical research and literature reviews related to mother-infant interaction, then 23 behavior items were selected by a preliminary study & 4 experts, the scale was consisted of 17 maternal behaviors & 6 infant behaviors which were easily perceived by mother, & frequently behaved in mother- infant play interaction. 80 mother- infant dyads at 4-6 weeks after delivery were used for study to test the reliability & validity of the scale. The data were collected by self reporting questionaire and filming in unstructured free play situation in home and analyzed by two trained observers through taped film. The result findings were as follows: 1. Cronbach`s alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .8530 over all the items within the perceived mother- infant interaction behavior scale. 2. In the content validity test, there were high agreement rates among 4 experts. 3. In the empirical validity test, there was a significant correlation between the tool developed in this study & Walker & Thompson`s Mother- Infant Play Interaction Scale(1982). 4. In the other construct validity test, there was a significant correlation between the perceived mother- infant interaction behavior & anxiety. The results of study suggest that the perceived mother- infant interaction behavior scale may be a meaningful tool, and recommend replication studies to test reliability & validity for use.