open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Using SRM(Kenny & La Voie, 1984), this study examined a variety of aspects of perception of aggression, compared four subgroups (bully, victim, bully/victim, comparison) in perceptual features of aggression, and explored a relationship between perceptual features of aggression and interpersonal relationship propensity. There were 407 participants of 7th grade (male: 116, female: 108 at coeducational schools, male: 101, female: 82 at unmixed schools). Apart from self ratings, members of each of 74 groups of 5-6 rated each other on the 6 aggression dimension. They also nominated victims and bullies among their classmates up to six each and rated themselves on the interpersonal relationship propensity scale. Results indicated that there were perceiver, target, and relationship effect on the perception of aggression. Small reciprocity, assumed reciprocity and meta-accuracy were found at the dyadic level. There were some levels of assumed similarity and self-other agreement. Differences between groups emerged in some perceptual aspects of aggression. Finally, there were a relationship between perceptual features of aggression and interpersonal relationship propensity.