ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report form of the adolescent problem behavior rating scale and to test its reliability and validity. Items were selected from literature review, free-response surveys with adolescents, parents and teachers, consultation with experts in adolescent development and problems, and a pilot study. Study 1 was conducted to administer a preliminary scale to 3,186 male and female adolescents attending junior and senior high schools in Korea. Exploratory factor analyses yielded 11 factors of adolescent problem behaviors(i.e., internet addiction, eating problems, delinquency, aggression, learning/attention problems, school maladjustment, career problems, family relations, peer relations, relations with teachers, impulsivity/hyperactivity). The 11 factors accounted for 89% of the total variance of adolescent problem behaviors. Internal consistency coefficients of the 11 subscales ranged from .71 to .91. The 2-week test-retest reliability of the scale was r=.75. Inter-correlations between the subscales were all significant. In study 2, the validity of the scale was examined. Mean differences in each subscale between the normative group and the validation group(consisting of 948 adolescents with problems) were all significant. The levels of the problem behaviors of the validation group were higher than those of the normative one in all subscales. In addition, correlations between this scale and the K-YSR were significant in all of the 11 subscales. Thus, both discriminant and concurrent validities of this scale were found to be good. The results imply that it be necessary to develop an adolescent behavior problem rating scale consisting of items representative of recent adolescent problem behaviors. The importance of developing the self-report form of the adolescent problem behavior rating scale and suggestions for further research were discussed.
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