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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Think Aloud training on self-control, social competency and aggression of hyperactive preschool children. The subjects were 20 hyperactive five- to six-year-old preschool children. Subjects were selected on the basis of Abbreviated Conners Rating Scale(Acrs) scores. Children who had higher scores of upper 25% Acrs socres were selected as subjects. The experimental group children were trained through the Think Aloud program, 60 minutes a day, two times a week(16 times in total), and the control group children were trained through the art activities. To evaluate the effects of training program, three scales were administered before and after the training program; Aggression Rating Scale, Self Control Rating Scale(SCRS) and Iowa Social Competency Scale(ISCS). The results are summarized as follows. First, in comparison with control group, the experimental group showed greater reduction in the SCRS and Aggression Rating scale scores after the training. Second, the experimental group showed greater increase in ISCS scores after the training. The present results suggests that the Think Aloud training is effective to reduce aggression and improve self-control and social competency of hyperactive preschool children.
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