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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of present study was to investigate the developmental change of the conceptualization of form, color, and other attributes(size, length, and weight) and to compare the acquisition of conceptualization of color versus form in Korean infants. The subjects in this study were 980 infants aged 24 to 36 months. Three kinds of tasks (matching, classification, and recognition) were used to measure the conceptualization of various attributes and these tasks were basically designed according to 「Multidimensional- Demand Paradigm」 which taps infant's cognitive ability but not cognitive preference. Discrimination task was used to measure their conceptualization of size, length, and weight The results were as follows. The acquisition of the conceptualization of color and form was improved according to age, and the acquisition of the conceptualization of form (circle, triangle, square) was earlier than color(red, blue, yellow) from the tasks of matching, classification, and recognition. Also, the acquisition of the conceptualization of size, length, and weight was improved significantly according to age. Infants' sex also showed a significant difference concerning form matching and recognition(color, form) tasks respectively. There were significant differences among 3 types of form(circle > square = triangle) and 3 types of color(red > yellow = blue) by matching and recognition tasks.
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