ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study was conducted to explore the relationships between the mothers' internal-external locus of control, creative home environment and daughters' and sons' creative personality composed of autonomy, openness and curiosity. Tests for mothers' internal-external locus of control, creative home environment and creative personality were administered to 120 university students. The results were as follows: The mothers' internal locus of control was correlated significantly to the creative home environment. And it was also correlated with the autonomy, openness and total score of creative personality but not with the curiosity. The mothers' external locus of control was a negative significant correlation with the creative environment. Finally the multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the mothers' internal locus of control and creative home environment were the significant predictors of the factors of daughters' and sons' creative personality (autonomy, openness and total score). And the effects of the mothers' internal locus of control on daughters' and sons' creative personality were mediated by a creative home environment.
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