open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the development screen of the children who were from 18 months to 36 months. This development screen scale provides the frame of integrative understanding of their status how healthy toddlers are in mental area before developmental diagnosis. In addition, this scale can be used to evaluate whether toddlers should be intervened or not, and to make intervention plan if necessary. In developing the scale at this study, reviews of numbers of existing literatures, analysis of existing scales on the toddler's behavior, emotion, and development, validity check processes by field experts, and preliminary research were conducted. The subjects for this study were 368 toddlers from 18 months to 36 months who were screened for normal and risk group based on Denver II scale which was already standardized in Korea. The question items were selected based on component analysis, discriminated based on standards, and validated concurrently based on CBCL (1.5-5 ages). In addition, the cross validity was conducted to check that the developed scale at this study was still effective even if the size of sample group varied.
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