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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was conducted to iexplore mplicit representations of 'Close relationship' and 'Instrumental relationship' in College Students. Participants(220 male and female college students) were asked to complete an explicit questionnaire, RISC(Relational Interdependent Self-Construal) and SOC(Spheres of Control), and to respond 2 sorts of IAT(Implicit Assocation Test). The results were summed up as follows: Implicit representation of 'close relationship' is associated with 'comfort' and 'authentic' dimensions, whearas 'instrumental relationship' is associated with 'discomfort' and 'false' dimensions. IAT results were not correlated with explicit measures and did not show any significant difference between RISC high and low groups and between SOC high and low groups. The results were discussed in terms of development of relationship of college students and usefulness of IAT.
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