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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated differences in daily life experiences and affect states depending on levels of self-esteem among elementary school 6th grade students. To indicate daily life experiences, the amount of time spent across 4 daily activity contexts(schoolwork, active leisure, passive leisure, maintenance) and 3 interpersonal contexts(alone, family, friends) was measured and to indicate daily life affect states, levels of happiness and worry across those daily activity and interpersonal contexts were measured using Experience Sampling Method(ESM). A sample of 107 students(54 boys and 53 girls) reported their daily life experiences six times a day for 4 days. They provided 1490 self-reports. Findings are as follows: first, high level of self-esteem group boys spent more time alone than with their family members or friends compared to low level of self-esteem group boys. And, high level of self-esteem group girls spent more time with their family members or friends than alone compared to low level of group girls. Second, high level of self-esteem group boys and girls experienced higher happiness and lower worry across daily activity and interpersonal contexts compared to low level group counterparts. Finally, high level of self-esteem group boys' affect states varied across daily activity and interpersonal contexts less than low level group counterparts. The findings were discussed in the stability of affect states across daily life contexts to indicate self-esteem.
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