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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to produce a preliminary Korean version of the Expressive Communication Scale of the Bayley-Ⅲ verifying its significant reliability and validity and to analyze the items to obtain a base for the standardization of Korean Bayley-Ⅲ. The Expressive Communication Scale of Bayley-Ⅲ was translated English into Korean by graduated students of development psychology and a primary research was completed with a consequence of elimination of 4 items, revision of 12 items, and supplement of 12 items. The Results of the study are as follows: First, As a result of analyzing the degree of item difficulty, it was shown that the item arrangement was a little different to the original scale's, as expected. Second, As a result of the analysis of reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient(.984), test-retest reliability(.977) and inter-scorer reliability(.986) was showed a strong correlation(p< .01). Third, a content validity was checked and the expressive language subtest of Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale(PRES) and preliminary Korean expressive communication scale of Bayley-Ⅲ had a correlation of .511 and Language subtest of Korean-Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence(K-WPPSI) and preliminary Korean expressive communication scale of Bayley-Ⅲ had a significant correlation of .636(p< .05).
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