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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to test the validity of Blatt, Schaffer, Bers and Quinlan (1992)’s Depression Experiences Questionnaire for adolescents(DEQ-A) for Korean adolescents. The DEQ-A administered to 452 students in 5th and 6th grade and 474 students in 7th and 8th grade in schools. The exploratory factor analysis results favored the Dependency, Efficacy and Self-Criticism factors structure of the DEQ-A. Through the confirmatory factor analysis have verified the validity of the DEQ-A. The reliability of the 3 factors has been proved and we have analyzed the correlation of the 3 factors and CDI, CES-D-K. As a result, Dependency and Self-Criticism was positively correlated with measures of CDI, CES-D-K, but Efficacy was negatively correlated with CDI, CES-D-K. Finally, It is discussed about the potential usefulness and limitations of the DEQ-A if it were to be used on national adolescents.
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