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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the reliability of the locus of control scales depending on two response scale formats(ipsative and normative) and 2) to investigate the relationship between locus of control, intrinsic-extrinsic motivation, creativity and academic achievement. The Locus of Control scale items from qualitative study and several Locus of Control scales in Korea and abroad were reconstructed into ipsative items of fifty two pairs and one hundred four normative items and administered to two hundred fifty seven elementary students (male 140, female 117) with a creativity test and I/E motivation test. Through the process of the item analysis, internal and external items of 35 pairs were selected. As the result of the item analysis and the analysis of internal consistency reliability, the reliability of normative scale and its correlation with total was higher than those of internal-external ipsative scale. As the result of the correlation analysis between internal-external locus of control and intrinsic-extrinsic motivation, internal-external control had significantly positive correlation with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation respectively. The subfactors of creativity had moderately high positive correlation with the internal locus of control but they had moderately low negative correlations with the external locus of control. As the result of the correlation analysis between internal-external control and academic achievement (Korean literature, mathematics, sociology, science), in normative scale internal control score had positive correlation with all subjects while external control scale had negative correlations with all subjects without math. As the correlation between internal and external control was -.42. In summary, on the occasion of interpersonal comparison using the locus of control score, it is recommended that the scale should be constructed in normative measure and interpreted internal-external score in separate dimensions. Directions of further research and limitations of this study was discussed.
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