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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the developmental pattern of evidential markers and related verbs by examining the child’s natural production and mother’s input language. First, two audio-recorded corpora of Korean mother-child dyad’s natural production were analyzed for frequency, age of emergence and productive use of evidential markers and related verbs. Also, the result of the corpora analyses was directly compared to one Japanese mother-child dyad’s recorded speech corpus. The analyses of natural production revealed that children begin using direct experience marker/verb before hearsay or inference markers/verbs. Furthermore, mother’s input pattern appeared to be aligned with the child’s use of these markers/verbs. These findings suggest that the acquisition of evidential markers and related verbs proceed from those that describe direct experience to hearsay or indirect inference or conjecture, implying that such order of acquisition might play a role in the later development of information certainty judgments on the basis of evidentiality.
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