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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Research on adults subjects has provided evidence for the validity of Schwartz's theory(1992) on the structure of values. However, information about the application of this theory to children and adolescents is very scarce. We employed Portrait Value Questionnaire(PVQ) to test the applicability of Schwartz's value theory to children and adolescent using two samples of elementary school students(N=325) and high school students(N=443). Schwartz's Value Survey(SVS) was employed in order to test Schwartz's value theory in college students(N=295). The results broadly confirmed validity of Schwartz's value theory. Specifically, construction of human values was found to consist of four higher order value types: self-transcendence value, self-enhancement value, openness to change value, and conservation value. The number of value types differentiated by subjects increased with age. The number of value types was 7 for elementary school students, 8 for high school students, and 9 for college students. There were no differences in importance of value types on the basis of gender, except in the case of a few value types. The meaning of the trend in the number of value types with age; the value importance of children, adolescents, adult; the necessity of a valid measurement tool for value; and the necessity of value intervention are discussed.
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