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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study is aimed to investigate developmental changes in affective parenting from 3 to 7 years of age, and the influence of parenting at 3 years and changes in parenting between 3 and 7 years of age on school adjustment. Participants were 96 dyads of mothers and classroom teachers. Affective parenting was measured at intervals of 2 years in 3-, 5-, and 7-year-old children (3 measurements total) by reports from the mothers; school adjustment was measured via teachers' reports. A latent growth model was utilized to examine developmental changes in affective parenting, and the influence of parenting at 3 years and changes in parenting from 3 to 7 years on school adjustment. According to the results, mothers’ affective parenting for the 3- to 7-year-olds showed a tendency to decrease slowly, and there were individual differences in mothers’ affection for the 3-year-old children. Mothers’ affective parenting at 3 years did not affect the school adjustment of the 7-year-olds, but an association was found showing that the slower the rate of decline in changes in affective parenting from 3 to 7 years, the higher the level of school-life adjustment, academic performance, and peer adjustment. These results indicated that the mothers’ affective parenting shows a tendency to decrease very slowly between 3 and 7 years of age, and that this tendency had a positive influence on children’s school adjustment.
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