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Vol.26 No.2

The influence of mother’s affective parenting at 3 years and developmental change of parenting from 3 to 7 years on school adjustment
Su-Chung Kim(The Center for Social Sciences Seoul National University) ; Keumjoo Kwak(Department of Psychology Seoul National University) pp.1-17

This study is aimed to investigate developmental changes in affective parenting from 3 to 7 years of age, and the influence of parenting at 3 years and changes in parenting between 3 and 7 years of age on school adjustment. Participants were 96 dyads of mothers and classroom teachers. Affective parenting was measured at intervals of 2 years in 3-, 5-, and 7-year-old children (3 measurements total) by reports from the mothers; school adjustment was measured via teachers' reports. A latent growth model was utilized to examine developmental changes in affective parenting, and the influence of parenting at 3 years and changes in parenting from 3 to 7 years on school adjustment. According to the results, mothers’ affective parenting for the 3- to 7-year-olds showed a tendency to decrease slowly, and there were individual differences in mothers’ affection for the 3-year-old children. Mothers’ affective parenting at 3 years did not affect the school adjustment of the 7-year-olds, but an association was found showing that the slower the rate of decline in changes in affective parenting from 3 to 7 years, the higher the level of school-life adjustment, academic performance, and peer adjustment. These results indicated that the mothers’ affective parenting shows a tendency to decrease very slowly between 3 and 7 years of age, and that this tendency had a positive influence on children’s school adjustment.

Developmental Psychological Consideration on Children’s Memory in the Context of Investigative Interview
Seungjin Lee(Institute of Psychological Science Seoul National University) pp.19-36

Interviewers in an investigative context are required to consider children’s developmental characteristics and their effect on children’s ability to remember and report traumatic experiences. Further, it is important that they follow standardized investigative interview guidelines for working with children and endeavor to accommodate the underlying mechanisms of their memory function. A large body of research has shown that some characteristics of children's memory development influence the quality and accuracy of their memory and reporting of past experiences. However, there have only been a few articles published on developmental theories and the characteristics of children's memory in the context of investigative interviewing in Korea. Thus, this paper aimed to consolidate the information on children's memory capacity, the various complexities and characteristics of children’s memory development, and the theoretical frameworks of children's memory processes focusing particularly on the context of investigative interviewing. This analysis should assist clinicians, social workers, and legal professionals in tailoring interviews to best meet children’s needs and capacities across ages and creating developmentally and individually sensitive guidelines for interviewing children within the legal system.

The Effect of Emotional Explanation on Children's Understanding of Mixed Emotion
Yoonkyung Jeong(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Korea) ; Hyun-mi Song(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Korea) pp.37-50

The present study was designed to investigate the development of preschool children’s understanding of mixed emotions and to examine the effect of adults' verbal explanation of an emotional story on this development. Eighty children aged 4 and 6 were assigned to two different interventions (an emotion-focused explanation and an event-focused explanation) and tested before and after the intervention using mixed-emotion tasks adapted from Brown and Dunn (1996). Our results showed that the 6-year-olds outperformed the 4-year-olds, but children in both age groups had difficulty understanding mixed emotions. Most importantly, the emotion-focused explanation had a significant effect on children in both age groups: their performance was significantly increased after the emotion-focused intervention but not after the event-focused intervention. Finally, the improvement following the emotion-focused explanation was significantly higher in the 6-year-olds than in the 4-year-olds.

The Effect of Emotional Explanation on Children's Understanding of Mixed Emotion
Yoonkyung Jeong(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Korea) ; Hyun-mi Song(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Korea) pp.37-50

The present study was designed to investigate the development of preschool children's understanding of mixed emotions and to examine the effect of adults' verbal explanation of an emotional story on this development. Eighty children aged 4 and 6 were assigned to two different interventions (an emotion-focused explanation and an event-focused explanation) and tested before and after the intervention using mixed-emotion tasks adapted from Brown and Dunn (1996). Our results showed that the 6-year-olds outperformed the 4-year-olds, but children in both age groups had difficulty understanding mixed emotions. Most importantly, the emotion-focused explanation had a significant effect on children in both age groups: their performance was significantly increased after the emotion-focused intervention but not after the event-focused intervention. Finally, the improvement following the emotion-focused explanation was significantly higher in the 6-year-olds than in the 4-year-olds.

Prosocial Behavior as a Mediator between Religiosity, and Aggression in Late Childhood
Ji Eun Park(Ewha Womans University) ; Kyoung Ok Seol(Ewha Womans University) pp.51-66

Research has established consistent relationships between religiosity and mental health outcomes; however, research on children’s religiosity and psychosocial outcomes is scarce. The current study examined the relationship between religiosity, prosocial behavior, and aggression in late childhood (n = 631, M age = 11.19). We further analyzed gender differences in religiosity, prosocial behavior, and aggression because gender has been considered an important factor for understanding these three variables. Children’s religiosity was positively correlated with prosocial behavior, and prosocial behavior was negatively correlated with aggression. However, children’s religiosity was not correlated with their level of aggression. Prosocial behavior mediated the relationship between children’s religiosity and aggression. In other words, a higher level of religiosity was positively related to prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior, in turn, was negatively related to aggression. When we performed a multi-group analysis of this structural model, we confirmed that the model of the prosocial behavior as a mediator between children’s religiosity and aggression held true for both boys and girls. However, differences in the path coefficients for boys and girls indicated that the association between prosocial behavior and aggression was stronger among the boys.

Psychological Characteristics of Victims and Bullies in School Violence -Predictors Group Changes in School Violence-
Young Il Cho(Department of Psychology Sungshin Women’s University) pp.67-85

The current study investigated the predictors of longitudinal changes in group membership regarding school violence in early adolescents. Specifically, predictors at individual, parental, and school levels were investigated to determine whether these variables could predict longitudinal changes in this group membership. The results showed that the ratio of individuals who experienced school violence decreased between the 1st and 2nd year surveys. Further, most students who reported school violence in the 1st year survey reported in the 2nd year survey that they no longer experienced it. Significant predictors found to influence the longitudinal change in school violence group membership were depression, anger, study pressures, and a positive attitude toward school violence. In particular, teacher and parental attachment influenced the longitudinal status change for individuals having experienced school violence as both victim and aggressor (bully). Finally, the implications and limitations of the current study are discussed.

The effects of Marital Conflict and Mother’s Parent-satisfaction and Parenting Behavior on Preschoolers’ Emotional Intelligence
Jonghoon Kim(Dept. of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University) ; Jihyun Sung(Dept. of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University) pp.87-105

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of marital conflict, parent satisfaction, and maternal parenting behavior on the emotional intelligence of preschoolers. A total of 493 mothers with 3–4-year-old preschoolers responded to questionnaires. The results indicated that marital conflict, parent satisfaction, and maternal parenting behavior were significant predictors of preschoolers’ emotional intelligence. Second, marital conflict did not appear to directly influence preschoolers’ emotional intelligence. Third, marital conflict indirectly affected preschoolers’ emotional intelligence by the complete mediation of parent satisfaction. Fourth, parent satisfaction and the mother’s parenting behavior mediated the relationship between marital conflict and preschoolers’ emotional intelligence through indirect effects. Finally, parent satisfaction demonstrated the strongest effect on preschoolers’ emotional intelligence among all the factors examined.

A Study on the Relationship of Maternal Parenting Belief and Efficacy on Children’s Self-esteem -With Specific Focus on Mothers of Native Korean and Chinese Immigrant-
Eun-Jeong Bang(Dept. of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University) ; Jihyun Sung(Dept. of Child Psychology and Education, Sungkyunkwan University) pp.107-125

This study investigated the effects of maternal parenting belief and efficacy on a children’s self-esteem through the comparison between Korean mothers and Chinese immigrant mothers with their children. The result of this research shows that there are significant differences between native Korean mothers and Chinese immigrant mothers’ maternal parenting belief and efficacy and their children’s self-esteem. Native Korean mother‘s maternal parenting efficacy and their children‘s self-esteem were higher than Chinese immigrant mothers‘ and their children‘s. The results also shows that both Korean and Chinese immigrant mothers‘ efficacy have a significant impact on their children’s self-esteem. However, the result that the children of Chinese immigrant mothers, who have generally lower maternal parenting efficacy than Korean mothers, have less positive self-esteem than the children of Korean mothers, suggests that the maternal parenting efficacy has an important effect on developing children’s positive self-esteem.

The relationships among the matured aging attitude, successful aging, and psycho-social maturation: The examination of the matured aging
An Jeong-Shin(Department of Child Development & Family Studies, Pusan National University) ; Young-Sook Chong(Department of Psychology, Pusan National University) ; Su-Gyun Seo(Department of Psychology, Pusan National University) pp.127-143

The purposes of this study were to define the attitude of mature aging and to examine the relationship between the mature aging attitude, successful aging, and psychosocial maturation. For these purposes, we conducted two different studies with 719 and 350 adults over 60 years of age. The findings were as follows: First, participants with higher mature aging attitudes reported better activities of daily living(ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living(IADL), less disease, more social activity, and better psychosocial well-being. Second, there were no age or gender differences shown in mature aging attitudes and psychosocial maturation; however, ego identity differed according to education, health status, and economic status. Furthermore, participants with higher mature-aging attitudes reported higher wisdom, ego integrity, and gero-transcendence than those with lower mature-aging attitudes. These results were discussed in terms of the effectiveness of the mature aging concept in the well-aging model for Korean elderly.

The influence of attachment security and emotion regulation ability on the flow in young children
Hana Song(Dept. of Child Psychology & Education Sungkyunkwan University) pp.147-161

This study examined the relationship between attachment security, emotion regulation ability, and children’s flow. Fifty-one children from two-parent families visited the laboratory and were observed in the Preschool Strange Situation, free play settings, and distressful play situations at age 5. One year later (at age 6), these children returned to the laboratory and were observed in a task situation. Children's and mothers' behaviors were videotaped and rated by three coders in terms of attachment security and stress regulation. Coders also rated the levels of concentration, comfortableness, and enjoyment as components of children’s flow. The results showed a significant correlation between the levels of concentration at age 5 and 6. In addition, attachment security and emotion regulation ability predicted children’s flow at age 5. In particular, the influence of children’s attachment security at age 5 on flow at age 6 was also significant. These results were discussed in terms of developmental continuity in children’s flow and its relationship to an internal working model of attachment relationships.

The influence of attachment security and emotion regulation ability on the flow in young children
Hana Song(Dept. of Child Psychology & Education Sungkyunkwan University) pp.147-161

This study examined the relationship between attachment security, emotion regulation ability, and children's flow. Fifty-one children from two-parent families visited the laboratory and were observed in the Preschool Strange Situation, free play settings, and distressful play situations at age 5. One year later (at age 6), these children returned to the laboratory and were observed in a task situation. Children's and mothers' behaviors were videotaped and rated by three coders in terms of attachment security and stress regulation. Coders also rated the levels of concentration, comfortableness, and enjoyment as components of children's flow. The results showed a significant correlation between the levels of concentration at age 5 and 6. In addition, attachment security and emotion regulation ability predicted children's flow at age 5. In particular, the influence of children's attachment security at age 5 on flow at age 6 was also significant. These results were discussed in terms of developmental continuity in children's flow and its relationship to an internal working model of attachment relationships.
