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Mother's Emotion Expression and Response to Children's Negative Emotion Expression by Emotion-related Beliefs about Children's Emotion


The present study was designed to investigate Korean mothers' emotion-related beliefs and their relationship to mothers' emotional expressions and responses to children's negative emotional expressions. Mothers with 3-6 years old children completed questionnaires regarding emotion-related beliefs, mother's own emotional expressions, and coping strategies for children's negative emotional expressions. Our results showed that Korean mothers had twelve beliefs regarding value, control, developmental processes, guidance, and relation. Beliefs about positive emotional value were the highest, and beliefs about contempt were the lowest. Our results also revealed a significant relationship between Korean mothers' emotion-related beliefs and their emotion-related parenting behaviors. Beliefs about negative emotional value, positive emotional value, and parental guidance were positively related to supportive responses. Beliefs that all emotions are bad were positively related to non-supportive responses and negatively related to emotional expressions. Beliefs about contempt and manipulation were positively related to supportive responses. Furthermore, Korean mothers' emotion-related beliefs significantly predicted emotion-related parenting behaviors. Overall, these results suggest that emotion-related beliefs are crucial cognitive variables related to parenting behaviors

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