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ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study examined the effect of a mother’s responsive interactions on toddlers’ pivotal behavior, their later intelligence, and multiple intelligence. There were 162 participants in the study which consisted of 18 month old toddlers and their mothers. Responsiveness and toddlers’ pivotal behavior was assessed by behavioral observation and a follow-up assessment of toddlers’ intelligence was conducted at 42 months of age. In addition, an assessment of toddlers’ multiple intelligence was conducted at 48 months of age. Results showed that maternal responsiveness was positively correlated with toddlers’ pivotal behavior, intelligence at 42 months, and multiple intelligence at 48 months of age. Structural equation modeling was conducted for examining relationships among across mother’s responsive interaction, toddlers’ pivotal behavior, intelligence, and multiple intelligence. The SEM analysis revealed that mother’s responsive interaction affected toddlers’ pivotal behavior and had a significant effect on toddlers’ later intelligence and multiple intelligence. In addition, toddlers’ with higher maternal responsiveness had a greater score in toddlers’ pivotal behavior, intelligence and multiple intelligence than toddlers with lower maternal responsiveness. Therefore, this study suggests that maternal responsiveness affects toddlers’ intellectual ability development.
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