ISSN : 1229-0718
The current study developed and verified the effectiveness of an intervention program for improving child care attitudes among parents of young children (up to 3-years-old), who are addicted to media. Participants were parents (15 for the experimental group and 20 for the control group) of young children living in Seoul and Gyeonggi . Details of the program included the following: (1) understanding the effects of media on young child development; (2) examining problems and related negative effects of media overexposure; (3) understanding child attitudes toward using media and the extent of their media addiction; (4) recognizing the parental environment affecting media overexposure, examining parental stress and mental health status, and identifying parents’ media habits, including Internet use; (5) understanding general child developmental characteristics; (6) understanding the significance of human interactions and learning sensitive interaction skills; (7) improving parental interaction skills through an individual analysis of parent-child interactions; (8) evaluating and monitoring interaction skill development; and (9) teaching desirable media usage. The intervention program consisted of 12 small-group sessions with 3 to 5 participants each. Each session lasted 1.5 hours. In order to verify the program’s effectiveness, a survey assessing media use, evaluation of parent-child interactions, and parental stress measures were administered to children and parents before and after the program was executed. Results revealed that daily media viewing time among children in the experimental group was reduced. Mothers’ sensitive interaction skills also improved in the experimental group. However, parenting stress did not differ significantly (or even increased) post-intervention. These results imply that the intervention program was effective at improving parents’ interaction skills, which in turn diminished children’s media usage. We discuss further intervention suggestions based on the present findings.
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