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Relations among coparenting, father involvement in child-rearing, and toddler's emotion regulation


The present paper examined the relationships between coparenting, father child-rearing involvement, and toddler emotion regulation for parents with 3, 4, or 5-year-old children. Results are summarized as follows. First, toddler emotion regulation was influenced by coparenting—higher levels of supportive coparenting were associated with a child’s enhanced emotional control ability—conversely, higher levels of undermining coparenting yielded diminished emotional control ability and greater lability/negativity. Second, father involvement in child rearing had a partially meaningful influence on toddler emotion regulation. Specifically, greater father caregiving/monitoring was associated with a child’s enhanced emotional control. Lastly, an analysis of coparenting consistency types and toddler emotion regulation revealed that substantial differences in toddler emotion regulation were observed in accordance with certain types of coparenting consistency. Subsequent verification analyses indicated that a child's emotional control ability was higher when coparenting was consistently supportive (or inconsistently supportive, so long as the father was being supportive) than for a consistently undermining coparenting style. Consistent support is also beneficial in comparison to inconsistent support if only the mother is being supportive. Moreover, lability/negativity was greater in the consistent undermining group than in the consistent supportive/inconsistent group when only the father is supportive.

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