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The Effects of Adolescent Shyness, Self-Regulation, and Gender on Peer Victimization: Tests of a Three-way Interaction


The current study aimed to enhance our understanding regarding the characteristics of victims of bullying. We examined how relationships between shyness, self-regulation, and gender were associated with peer victimization among 305 adolescents. Peer victimization was divided into two facets: overt and relational victimization. Results revealed that a three-way interaction between shyness, self-regulation, and gender was significant on overt victimization. For boys, high levels of shyness and low levels of self-regulation significantly predicted high levels of victimization. For girls, low levels of shyness and self-regulation significantly predicted high levels of victimization. Results showed the main effects of shyness, self-regulation and gender on relational victimization. No three-way interaction between shyness, self-regulation, and gender on relational peer victimization was observed.

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