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Longitudinal relationship between personality traits, attachment, online self-disclosure, and quality of family and online peer relation among adolescents: Using latent growth curve modeling


The present study investigated the mediating effects of 650 adolescents' online self-disclosure on the association between personality traits, attachment, and changes to family and online peer relationships. Longitudinal data were collected, end-to-end, in three sessions over a 6-month (on average) period from December 2011 to February 2013. Latent growth curve modeling analyses conducted in AMOS 20.0 were used. As a result, for Group A (friends) of online self-disclosure, it examined not only the direct association between adolescents’ openness and changes to family intimacy, as well as an indirect effect on changes to online friendships. Attachment anxiety manifested positive changes to family and online peer relationships through continual online self-disclosure with close peers. However, attachment avoidance predicted a negative effect on changes to family intimacy and online friendships. For Group C (distant acquaintances) in terms of online self-disclosure, adolescents’ neuroticism positively predicted changes to family intimacy and online relationship quality if online self-disclosure was continuous. Furthermore, adolescents’ conscientiousness directly affected changes to online friendship quality. However, attachment avoidance negatively affected changes to family intimacy. These results counter previous studies claiming that a strong affinity for peers aggravates parent-child relationships during adolescence. Instead, the present findings indicate that adolescents’ online communication can positively affect family conflicts, suggesting that active online self-disclosure is beneficial to both family and online peer relationships.

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