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The Relation between Marital Conflict and Adolescents’ Behavioral Problems: Testing the Mediating Process of Sibling Relationship


The purpose of this study is to investigate how sibling relationships mediate the effects of marital conflicts on adolescents’ behavioral problems. The sample comprised 355 high school students from the metropolitan area. The measurement tools used were the marital conflict scale, the sibling relationship scale, and the adolescent maladjustment behavior scale. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 18.0. Findings revealed that marital conflicts negatively affected both externalization and internalization problems in adolescents. Specifically, marital conflict had both direct and indirect negative effects on the internalization problems of adolescents. Second, the quality of the sibling relationship mediated the effect of marital conflict on adolescents’ adjustment problems. In other words, marital conflict led to lower warmth and greater conflict among siblings, which in turn led to greater internalization problems. Third, marital conflict has a direct and indirect negative effect on externalization problems and this relationship was mediated by conflict among siblings, but not by the warmth among them. In conclusion, it was confirmed that marital conflict has a strong negative effect on adolescents’ behavioral problems and sibling relationships. This study is meaningful because it considered the effects of the marital conflict on not only the quality of sibling relationships but also on adolescents’ behavioral problems. In addition, it is significant in that it revealed the mediating effect of sibling relationships in the negative effects of marital relationships on adolescents’ behavioral problems.

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