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A total of 253 females in their emerging adulthood participated in a study investigating the direct and indirect effects of parental attachment on depression (through self-esteem and/or loneliness). The results were as follows. First, parental attachment did not have a direct effect on depression. Second, parental attachment had an indirect effect on depression through self-esteem. Females with higher levels of parental attachment reported higher levels of self-esteem, and those with higher levels of self-esteem experienced lower levels of depression. Third, attachment to fathers had an indirect effect on depression through loneliness. Females who were securely attached to fathers displayed lower levels of loneliness, and those who reported lower levels of loneliness reported lower levels of depression. However, attachment to mothers did not have an indirect effect on depression through loneliness. Finally, parental attachment had an indirect effect on females’ depression through self-esteem and loneliness. Discussion highlights the importance of paternal attachment and self-esteem in diminishing depression among females in their emerging adulthood.
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