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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of unsupportive parenting attitudes, perceived competence and autonomy on learning amotivation. A sample of 1042 students completed a self-report questionnaire. Data were analyzed using 2-way-ANOVA and multiple group comparisons based on structural equation modeling. Significant differences in the school level were found in competence, autonomy, and amotivation: A higher school level was associated with lower competence and autonomy, and with higher amotivation. Concerning the relationships among the variables, the pattern of results was rather complex. First, while parental neglect and over-control had a negative effect on autonomy and a positive effect on amotivation, competence and autonomy had a negative effect on amotivation. Second, we observed differential effects in the school level. The negative influence of parental neglect on competence and autonomy was stronger in elementary and middle school students, while parental over-expectation had a significant negative effect on amotivation only in high school students. Third, we also observed the effect of gender on amotivation. Parental over-control was more effective in male students, but autonomy in female students.
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