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The longitudinal study for the relations among communicative perspective-taking, false belief, and executive function


The study examined the relations among communicative perspective-taking, false belief, and executive function from the developmental point of view. Fifty-four children participated in the study, whose ages ranged from 46 months to 56 months at the beginning of the study. The children were tested 3 times at intervals of six-months. The eye movements(i. e., the fixation time on the target objects or egocentric objects) were measured for the communicative perspective-taking tasks which were composed of the common-ground and the privileged-ground conditions. Inhibitory control(flag task), working memory(backward-word task), and attention switching(card-sorting task) were also measured for the executive functions. The understanding of false belief was also measured. The results indicated that the egocentric perspectives were predominant at the beginning stage, but significantly decreased as the age level went up. As for the relations among communicative perspective-taking, false belief, and executive function, communicative perspective-taking was not correlated with the false belief understanding, but with working memory. Working memory was the only variable that predicted communicative perspective-taking.

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