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A Study of the Relationship between the Temperamental Dimension of Novelty-Seeking and Childhood Decision Making in relation to Accident Injury: The Moderating Role of Executive Function


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of novelty- seeking on school-aged children's decisions about safety. This study specifically investigated the moderating effects of executive functions on the relationship between novelty- seeking temperament and decision making associated with accident injury. Our sample included 175 children in 4th and 6th grades in Seoul and Gyeongi-do, South Korea. We administered the Junior Temperament and Personality Inventory(JTCI 7-11) to their mothers children's to measure the children's novelty- seeking. We conducted the Flanker task to measure the executive functioning and risk scenarios to assess their decision-making. The results of our study were as follows: children's novelty- seeking and executive function had a significant effect on safety decision-making. The moderating effect of executive function was significant for the relationship between novelty- seeking and safety decision-making. Our findings support the idea that executive function moderates the effects of children's novelty- seeking on their safety decision-making.

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