ISSN : 1229-0718
Developmental trajectories of health risking behaviors (HRBs) in Korean youth (aged 17–20 years) were examined using multi-group latent growth modeling focusing on alcohol use, smoking, and sexual behaviors. Gender differences and effects of early risk factors were also investigated. The Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) data on 2,351 youth (women: n = 1,175) were analyzed. The findings indicated significant individual variability in the initial and growth rates in all three HRBs, except for female youth’s initial level of sexual behavior; Male youth showed higher initial levels and greater increases than female youth. Poor emotional adjustment, poor school adjustment, delinquent behavior, and deviant peer association during early adolescence were positively related to the HRBs trajectories. Moreover, negative parenting behaviors directly and indirectly influenced the trajectories. Some of these risk factors were gender-specific and varied across the three HRBs. These findings will inform prevention and intervention efforts to reduce HRBs among Korean youth.
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