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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
We studied the effects of reputation and age on the cooperative behaviors of school-age children in social dilemma situations. We conducted social dilemma game for classmates among 2nd and 5th grade children. For each grade, each class was randomly assigned to one of three reputation condition(random/anonymous, random/knowledge, partner choice/knowledge condition). Based on previous findings on the declining tendency of cooperative behaviors in repeated social dilemma situations, we repeated the dilemma situation six times and compared the changes in frequency of cooperative behaviors in each reputation condition. The results showed significant effects of reputation on maintaining cooperative behaviors in the repeated social dilemma situation. Interestingly, such significant effects of reputation were found only among 5th grade children. Specifically, in the 5th grade, cooperative behaviors were not significantly decreased in the partner choice/knowledge condition where there were possible interaction and reciprocity effects among the children. Overall, our findings suggest that the ability to understand and manage reputation develops from middle childhood (i.e., the higher grade in elementary school) and may influence the frequency of cooperative behaviors.
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